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Tell us about yourself.  When scheduling your appointment, feel free to share what brings you in - what's on your mind and what you need.  We're here to help.

Preparation for your appointment

Be sure to arrive early for your appointment to allow time for parking, intake forms, and catching your breath.  Wear loose-fitting clothing that can be adjusted or removed easily for treatment.  Walking into your treatment calm, clear, and comfortable is the best way to start.  Nervous, confused, uncomfortable, or unsure?  That's alright, too.  We'll do this together.


“As someone who has been to many health practitioners through the years, I can say that Michael Konigsberg is one of the most effective AND compassionate healers I have come across!  So much so that I have recently referred my father to him.  In the course of a year, Michael has used acupuncture and herbal medicine to help m eovercome several chronic issues.  After one treatment, I felt dramatic results, and after one year, i am a new person - free of the burdens that I had carried before I had walked into his office.  Amazing.”

Melissa B.

“I was experiencing debilitating anxiety and grief after the end of a relationship.  I cried and worried constantly, mind constantly racing, heart racing, unable to sleep, never having any peace.  Right away, after one treatment from Michael, I felt better.  Now, after working with Michael over these last few months, the anxiety is completely gone.  I am a new woman, and I feel I can finally live my life again, free of the past.”

Valeria P.

“Michael Konigsberg is one of the kindest and most caring health practitioners one could ever hope to meet.  In addition to Chinese Medicine, he seems to have the mind of a scientist.  He sets to work on a problem and doesn't stop until it's solved.  He's also extremely intuitive, which is helpful when you yourself aren't sure what's going on!  He will cut to the chase.  I had a number of sessions with Michael and came out of them much improved.  I really felt that I was in safe hands.  He will make recommendations based on your needs, some even outside the strict parameters of Chinese medicine, all valuable lifestyle improvements.  Straightforward, honest, high integrity.  Highly recommended!”

Pamela P.

“I had so many problems that were causing me a lot of suffering.  Horrible pre-mentstrual pain, which did not go away even after my period.  Nausea, diarrhea, bloating, and bad gas.  Incredible fatigue and weakness...  But after two treatments with Michael, I was all better!  I am so amazed and grateful.  Thank you.”

Dilyana D.

“I hobbled into Michael's treatment room an old woman with excruciating hip pain.  It was so hard just to get around.  After one treatment, I WALKED easily back to my car.  Thank you.”


“Michael has helped both me and my husband with tremendous stress.  His treatments have helped me  manage the major challenges of life; after each treatment, I feel completely at peace, totally relaxed, able to cope.  He also helped me with some problems with my digestion related to stress, which had been really troubling me.  I felt totally at ease with him immediately, as this kind and caring man gains your trust.  Do yourself a favor and let him help you.”

Jennifer C.

“At age 88, I had never had any problems - until my first experience of sciatica pain.  It was so painful, and I really needed help.  I saw Michael, and immediately after one treatment it was 100% better.  It was fantastic!  I am going to send him a lot of patients.”

Estella A.

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