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Chinese Medicine Herbs
We are proud to offer a natural, powerful, time-tested, science-based medicine for patients in all stages of life and health.

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Following an assessment, your practitioner will give acupuncture in a soothing, positive environment.  Needles are hair-fine, and treatment time is approximately 30 minutes.Your time is special, and every intention is to promote your body's own capacity to heal.  Results may begin to be seen immediately in some cases; in others, a series of treatments is required for proper healing.  

Chinese Herbal Medicine


Herbal formulas may be prescribed, if appropriate.  Herbal medicine enhances acupuncture treatment and promotes wellness.  A patient's primary concern, preexisting conditions, ability to take herbs regurarly, and financial situation are all taken into consideration when herbs are prescribed.  This is an integral part in the healing process, and every effort is made to make it feasible for each patient.

Lifestyle Counseling


Nutrition, personal environment, and other choices may be discussed at each visit, as needed, sensitively.  This is meant to be an ongoing conversation between patient and practitioner equally that empowers, informs, and supports.  We seek to ensure that one's food, home, work, relationships, and thoughts are in balance to ensure the effectiveness of treatment - the treatment you take home.

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